English | English meaning | Japanese |
Japanese in Katakana |
Turkish |
Turkish Pronunciation in Katakana |
・room(s) | a part of the inside of a building, which is separated from other parts by walls, floors, and ceilings | 部屋、室 | ヘヤ、シツ | oda(lar) | オダ(ラル) |
・bathroom | a room with a bath, sink, and often a toilet | 浴室、バスルーム | ヨクシツ、バスルーム | banyo | バンヨ |
・bedroom | a room used for sleeping in | 寝室、ベッドルーム | シンシツ、ベッドルーム | yatak odası | ヤタコダス |
・kitchen | a room used to prepare and cook food in | 台所、キッチン | ダイドコロ、キッチン | mutfak | ムトファク |
・yard | an area of land in front of or behind a house | 庭 | ニワ | bahçe | バチェ |
・wall | one of the vertical sides of a room or building | 壁、内壁、外壁 | カベ、ナイヘキ、ガイヘキ | duvar | ドゥワル |
・fence | a wood, wire, or metal structure that divides or goes around an area | フェンス、さく、塀 | フェンス、サク、ヘイ | çit | チッㇳ |
・roof | the surface that covers the top of a building or vehicle | 屋根 | ヤネ | çatı | チャテ |
・ceiling | the surface of a room that you can see when you look above you | 天井 | テンジョウ | tavan | タヴァン |
・floor | a particular level of a building | 床 | ユカ | yer | ヤル |
・chimney | a wide pipe that allows smoke from a fire to go out through the roof | 煙突 | エントツ | baca | バジャ |
・window | a space in the wall of a building or vehicle that has glass in it, used for letting light and air inside and for looking through | 窓、ウィンドウ | マド、ウィンドウ | pencere | ペンジェレ |
・door | the part of a building, room, vehicle, or piece of furniture that you open or close to get inside it or out of it | 扉、ドア、戸 | トビラ、ドア、ト | kapı | カプ |
・door handle | the part of door that you use to hold it or open it | ドアハンドル、ドアの取っ手 | ドアハンドル、ドアノトッテ | kapı kol | カプ コル |
・gate | the part of a fence or outside wall that opens and closes like a door | 門扉、ゲート、門 | モンピ、ゲート、モン | giriş kapısı | ギリシュ カプス |
・key | a piece of metal cut into a particular shape and used for locking things such as doors, or for starting an engine | 鍵、キー | カギ、キー | anahtar | アナハタㇽ |
・keyhole | a hole in a lock where you put a key | 鍵穴 | カギアナ | anahtar deliği | アナハタㇽ デリー |
・bolt | a metal bar that you push across a door or window to lock it | スライド錠、かんぬき | スライドジョウ、カンヌキ | sürgülü kilit | シュグル キリトゥ |
・(pad)lock | the thing that is used to close a door, window, etc, and that needs a key to open it (a metal lock with a U-shaped part that is used for fastening bicycles, doors, etc) | ロック、錠(南京錠) | ロック、ジョウ(ナンキンジョウ) | asma kilit | アスマ キリトゥ |
・stairs | a set of steps from one level in a building to another | 階段 | カイダン | merdiven | マルディヴァン |
・furniture | objects such as chairs, tables, and beds that you put into a room or building | 家具 | カグ | mobilya | モビリヤ |
・chair | a seat for one person, with a back, usually four legs, and sometimes two arms | 椅子 | イス | sandalye | サンダリエ |
・armchair | a comfortable chair with sides that support your arms | 肘掛け椅子 | ヒジカケイス | tekli koltuk(single seating armchair) | テキ コルトゥク |
・sofa | a large, comfortable seat for more than one person | 長椅子、ソファ | ナガイス、ソファ | koltuk | コルトゥク |
・bench | a long seat for two or more people, usually made of wood or metal | ベンチ | ベンチ | bank | バンク |
・high chair | a chair with long legs, for a baby or a small child, usually with a small table connected to it for the child to eat from | 幼児椅子 | ヨウジヨウノイス | bebek (mama) sandalyesi | ベベク サンダリイェシ |
・stool | a seat that does not have a back or arms | スツール | スツール | tabure | タブレ |
・table | a piece of furniture with four legs, used for eating off, putting things on, etc | テーブル | テーブル | masa | マサ |
・desk | a table that you sit at to write or work, often with drawers | 机、デスク | ツクエ、デスク | çalışma masası | チャルシュマ マサス |
・counter | the place in a shop, bank, etc, where people are served | カウンター | カウンター | tezgâh | テズジャ |
・chest of drawers | a piece of furniture with drawers for keeping clothes in | 整理だんす | セイリダンス | şifonyer | シフォンイェㇽ |
・drawer | a container like a box without a lid that is part of a piece of furniture and that slides in and out | 引き出し | ヒキダシ | çekmece | チェックメジェ |
・cupboard | a piece of furniture with a door on the front and shelves inside, used for storing things | 食器棚 | ショッキダナ | dolap | ドラップ |
・wardrobe | a large cupboard for keeping clothes in | 衣装ダンス | イショウダンス | gardırop | ガードロゥプ |
・shelf | a flat, horizontal board used to put things on, often fixed to a wall or inside a cupboard | 棚 | タナ | raf | ラフ |
・bed | a piece of furniture that you sleep on | ベッド、寝台 | ベッド、シンダイ | yatak | ヤタク |
・shower | If you have or take a shower, you wash your whole body while standing under a flow of water | シャワー | シャワー | duş | ドゥシュ |
・sink | a bowl that is fixed to the wall in a kitchen or bathroom that you wash dishes or your hands, etc in | 流し台 | ナガシダイ | lâvabo | ラヴァボウ |
・washbasin | a bowl in a bathroom that water can flow into, used for washing your face or hands | 洗面台 | センメンダイ | lâvabo | ラヴァボウ |
・faucet | an object at the end of a pipe that you turn to control the flow of water | 蛇口、コック | ジャグチ、コック | musluk | ムスルク |
・toilet | a bowl that you sit on or stand near when you get rid of waste substances from your body; a room with a toilet in it | トイレ、化粧室 | トイレ、ケショウシツ | klozet; tuvalet | クロゼット、トワレット |
・picture | a drawing, painting, or photograph of something or someone | 絵、絵画 | エ、カイガ | resim | レシム |
・frame | a structure that goes around the edge of something such as a door, picture, window, or mirror | 枠、額縁 | ワク、ガクブチ | çerçeve | チャルチェヴェ |
・poster | a large, printed picture or notice that you put on a wall, in order to decorate a place or to advertise something | ポスター | ポスター | poster | ポステル |
・mirror | a piece of glass with a shiny metallic material on one side that produces an image of anything that is in front of it | 鏡、ミラー | カガミ、ミラー | ayna | アイナ |
・carpet | thick material for covering floors, often made of wool | カーペット、じゅうたん | カーペット、ジュウタン | halı | ハル |
・rug | a soft piece of material used to cover the floor | ラグマット | ラグマット | kilim | キリム |
・curtain | a piece of material that hangs down to cover a window, stage, etc | カーテン | カーテン | perde | パルデ |
・blind | a cover that you pull down over a window | ブラインド、日よけ | ブラインド、ヒヨケ | stor perde | ストル パルデ |
・tablecloth | a piece of material that covers a table, especially during a meal | テーブルクロス | テーブルクロス | masa örtüsü | マサ ウルツス |
・cushion | a cloth bag filled with something soft that you sit on or lean against to make you comfortable | クッション、座布団 | クッション、ザフトン | yastık | ヤストゥク |
・pillow | a soft object that you rest your head on in bed | 枕 | マクラ | yastık | ヤストゥク |
・blanket | a thick, warm cover that you sleep under | 毛布、布団 | モウフ、フトン | battaniye | バタニエ |
・sheet | a large piece of cloth put on a bed to lie on or under | シーツ、敷布 | シーツ、シキフ | çarşaf、yatak çarşafı | チャーシャㇷ、ヤタク チャーシャㇷ |
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