English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



in Katakana

・body all parts of a person or animal 体, 身体 カラダ、シンタイ vücut ヴィジュット
・body parts   体の部位 カラダノブイ vücudun kısımları ヴィジュドン キスムラル
・head the part of your body above your neck that contains your brain, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, etc and on which your hair grows 頭、頭部 アタマ、トウブ baş バッシュ
・face the front part of the head where the eyes, nose, and mouth are, or the expression on this part 顔、顔面 カオ、ガンメン yüz ユーズ
・forehead the part of your face between your eyes and your hair ヒタイ alın アルン
・cheek the soft part of your face below your eye 頬、ほっぺた ホホ、ホッペタ yanak ヤナク
・jaw either of the two bones in your mouth that contain your teeth アゴ çene チェネ
・chin the bottom part of your face, below your mouth 顎先、下顎 アゴサキ、シタアゴ çene チェネ
・ear one of the two organs on your head that you hear with ミミ kulak クラック
・eye one of the two organs in your face, which you use to see with göz ゴズ
・nose the part of the face that sticks out above the mouth, through which you breathe and smell ハナ burun ブルン
・mouth the part of the face that is used for eating and speaking クチ ağız アーズ
・lip one of the two soft, red edges of the mouth クチビル dudak ドゥダック
・tongue the soft thing inside your mouth that you move and use for tasting and speaking シタ dil ディル
・tooth one of the hard, white objects in your mouth that you use for biting and crushing food diş ディシ
・beard the hair that grows on a man's chin (= the bottom of his face) 顎鬚 アゴヒゲ sakal サカル
・neck the part of the body between your head and your shoulders クビ boyun ボユン
・hair the thin, thread-like parts that grow on your head カミ saç サッチ
・mustache a line of hair above the mouth 口髭 クチヒゲ bıyık ブユーク
・arm the long part at each side of the human body, ending in a hand ウデ kol コル
・hand the part of your body on the end of your arm that has fingers and a thumb el エル
・wrist the part of your body between your hand and your arm 手首 テクビ bilek ビレッジ
・finger one of the five, long, separate parts at the end of your hand, including your thumb ユビ parmak パルマック
・thumb the short, thick finger on the side of your hand that can touch the top of all your other fingers 親指 オヤユビ baş parmak バッシュ パルマック
・fingernail the hard, thin part on the top of the end of your finger ツメ tırnak ジュルナック
・fingerprint the mark made on something by the pattern of curved lines on the end of someone's finger 指紋 シモン parmak izi パルマキィジ
・leg one of the parts of the body of a human or animal that is used for standing and walking アシ bacak バジャック
・thigh the top part of your leg above your knee 太腿 フトモモ üst bacak ウースト バジャック
・knee the middle part of your leg where it bends ヒザ diz デーズ
・foot one of the two flat parts on the ends of your legs that you stand on アシ ayak アヤク
・heel the back part of your foot カカト topuk トプク
・toe one of the five separate parts at the end of your foot 足の指 アシノユビ ayak parmağı アヤク パルマゥ
・footprint a mark made by a foot or shoe 足跡 アシアト ayak izi アヤキィジ
・muscle one of many pieces of tissue in the body that are connected to bones and which produce movement by becoming longer or shorter 筋肉 キンニク kas カス
・back the part of your body from your shoulders to your bottom 背中 セナカ sırt シートゥ
・stomach the front part of your body just below your chest 腹、おなか ハラ、オナカ karın カルン
・chest the front of your body between your neck and your waist ムネ göğüs グーズ
・shoulder where your arm joins your body next to your neck カタ omuz オムーズ
・bone one of the hard pieces that make the structure inside a person or animal ホネ kemik チェミッチ
・beak the hard part of a bird's mouth くちばし(嘴) クチバシ gaga ガガ
・trunk the long nose of an elephant (= large, grey animal) 象の鼻 ゾウノハナ hortumu ホルトム
・horn one of the two hard, pointed growths on the heads of cows, goats, and some other animals ツノ boynuz ボイヌズ
・fur the thick hair that covers the bodies of some animals like cats and rabbits 毛皮 ケガワ tüy トゥイ
・feather one of the soft, light things that grow from and cover a bird's skin 羽毛 ウモウ kuş tüyü クシュ トぅユ
・paw the foot of certain animals, such as cats and dogs 動物の足、手 ドウブツノアシ、テ pati パティ
・claw one of the sharp, curved nails on the feet of some animals and birds 動物の爪 ドウブツノツメ pençe ペンチェ
・wing one of the two parts that a bird or insect uses to fly 翼。羽根 ツバサ、ハネ kanat カナットゥ
・tail the long, narrow part that sticks out at the back of an animal's body 動物の尾、しっぽ ドウブツノオ、シッポ kuyruk クイルク
・shell the hard outer covering of some creatures and of eggs, nuts, or seeds カラ kabuk カブック