English | pronunciation | meaning | thesaurus |
Japanese (Hiragana) |
Turkish (Hiragana) |
sample sentence |
imagine | imǽdʒin |
to create an idea or picture of something in your mind;
to believe that something is probably true;
to think that you hear or see something that does not really exist; |
fancy, conceive, visualize, idealize, realize, drum, make, or think up, dream (up), pull out of a hat; daydream; create, originate, coop up, devise, hatch, formulate, invent, coin, fabricate; improvise; set one's wits to work, strain one's imagination; rack, ransack, or cudgel one's brain; excogitate, work up, think out; give play to the imagination, indulge in reverie; conjure up a vision; suggest itself(see thought) Colloq., see stars, see things |
想像(そうぞう)する、 思(おも)う、 心(こころ)に描(えがく)く、 推測(すいそく)する、 仮定(かてい)する、 気(き)のせいで~と考(かんが)える |
hayal etmek(はやる えとめく), tasavvur etmek(たさぶぶる えとめく), düşünmek(じゅしゅんめく), gözünde canlandırmak(ぎゅじゅんで じゃんらんでぅるうまく), sanmak(さんまく), hayal görmek(はやる ぎゅるめく), zannetmek(ざんねとめく) |
Imagine being able to travel in space.;
You can imagine how pleased I was when the letter arrived.;
I imagine he must be under a lot of pressure at the moment.;
I can't hear anything - you must be imagining it.; |
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