English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・whoever the person who ~ ~は誰でも ~ハダレデモ kim/her kim/kimse キム/ヘル キム/キムセ
・end the final part of something such as a period of time, activity, or story;the time when something stops happening 終わり、最後 オワリ、サイゴ son ソン
・end to finish or stop, or to make something finish or stop 終わる オワル sona ermek、bitmek ビトメク、ソナ エルメク
・till ~ until、continuing to happen before a particular time or event and then stopping ~まで ~マデ ...a/e kadar …ア/エ カダル
・save to stop someone or something from being killed or destroyed 救う スクウ kurtarmak クルタルマク