English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・complete to finish doing or making something: to provide the last part needed to make something whole 〔~を〕完了する、達成する 〔~ヲ〕カンリョウスル、タッセイスル tamamlamak タマメラマク
・race a competition in which people run, ride, drive, etc against each other in order to see who is the fastest 競争 キョウソウ koşu コシュ
・locust (grasshopper) a green insect that jumps about using its long back legs イナゴ (あるいは バッタ) イナゴ (バッタ) çekirge チェキラゲ
・infancy the period during which you are a baby or a very young child     bebeklik(çocukluk) ベベクリク(チョジュクルク)
・salvation in the Christian religion, the way that God saves someone from the bad effects of evil: 救い スクイ kurtuluş クラトゥルス