English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・conquer to succeed in stopping or dealing with a bad feeling or a difficult problem 征服する セイフクスル yenmek イェンメク
・speak to say something using your voice 話す ハナス konuşmak コヌシュマク
・but used to introduce something new that you say, especially something that is different or the opposite from what you have just said しかし シカシ fakat ファカト
・rush to make someone do something more quickly than they want to do it 急ぐ イソグ acele ettirmek アジェレ エトティラメク
・willing wanting to do something 快くやる ココロヨクヤル istekli、hevesli イステクリ、へヴェスリ