English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・there is/are/was, etc used to show that something exists or happens ある/ある/あった、etc アル/アル/アッタ var ヴァㇽ
・behind in the place where someone or something was before 後ろの ウシロノ geride or gerilerde ゲリデ or ゲリラールデ
・leave to not take something with you when you go away from a place, either intentionally or by accident 残す ノコス kalmak カルマク
・forward movement towards the direction that is in front of you ~に向って ~二ムカッテ ilerideki イレディレキ
・goal something you want to do successfully in the future ゴール ゴール hedef ヘデフ