English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・renew to act or do to be made new in something 新しくする アタラシクスル yenilemek イェニレメク
・inclination a feeling that you want to do something 傾向 ケイコウ eğilim エーイリム
・tendency something that someone often does, or something that often happens 性向、傾向 セイコウ、ケイコウ eğilim エーイリム
・mental relating to the mind, or involving the process of thinking 心の、精神上の ココロノ、セイシンジョウノ zihinsel ジヒンセル
・only sole ただ一つの、唯一の タダヒトツノ、ユイイツノ biricik ビリジィク