English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・inspire to give someone an idea for a book, play, painting, etc 霊感を与える、神の聖なる力に導かれる レイカンヲアタエル、カミノセイナルチカラニミチビカレル ilham vermek イルハム ヴェルメク
・inspiration someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something 霊感、神の聖なる力の導/td> レイカン、カミノセイナルチカラノミチビキ ilham イルハム
・write to create a book, story, article, etc or a piece of music:to put all the information that is needed on a document:to produce words, letters, or numbers on a surface using a pen or pencil 書く カク yazmak ヤズマク
・scripture the holy books of a religion 聖句 セイク kutsal yazılar or kutsal kitaplar クトサル ヤズラル or クトサル キタプラル
・disciple someone who follows the ideas and teaching of someone, especially of a religious leader 弟子、使徒 デシ、シト öğrenci オゥーレンジィ