English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・evil very cruel, bad, or harmful とても悪い、悪意ある トテモワルイ、アクイノアル kötü クゥチュ
・wicked extremely bad and morally wrong ひどく悪い、邪悪な ヒドクワルイ、ジャアクナ kötü クゥチュ
・bad not good, evil 悪い ワルイ kötü クゥチュ
・no something that you say in order to disagree, give a negative answer, or say that something is not true いいえ イイエ hayır ハイェゥラ
・imitate to copy the way someone or something looks, sounds, or behaves 見倣う ミナラウ örnek almak ウーラネク アルマク