English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・word a group of letters or sounds that mean something, or a single letter or sound that means something 言葉 コトバ sözcük or söz シォジュク or シォズ
・disobedient refusing to do what someone in authority tells you to do 不従順な フジュウジュンナ itaatsiz イタアトシズ
・complain to say that something is wrong or that you are annoyed about something 不満を言う フマンヲイウ söylenmek ショイェレンメク
・win to get the most points in a competition or game, or the most votes in an election 勝ち取る カチトル kazanmak カザンマク
・chaste not having had sex, or without sexual thoughts or intentions 貞潔な テイケツナ iffetli イフフェトリ