English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・son your male child 息子 ムスコ oğul、erkek çocuk オーウル、エルケク チョジュク
・free able to live, happen, or exist without being controlled by anyone or anything;not in prison or in a cage 自由な ジユウナ özgür ウーズグゥュル
・really used when you are saying what is the truth of a situation;very or very much 本当に ホントウニ gerçekten ゲルチェクテン
・future what will happen to someone or something in the time that is to come 将来起こること ショウライオコルコト gelecek ゲレジェク
・sudden done or happening quickly and unexpectedly 突然の トツゼンノ ani アニ