English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・peace a situation in which there is no war, violence, or arguing 平和 ヘイワ barış バルシュ
・security the things that are done to keep someone or something safe 安全 アンゼン güvenlik ギュヴェンリク
・their belonging to or relating to a group of people, animals, or things that have already been talked about 彼らの、彼女らの、それらの カレラノ、カノジョラノ、ソレラノ onların オンラルン
・sudden done or happening quickly and unexpectedly 突然の トツゼンノ ani アニ
・destruction the process of destroying something 滅び、破壊、崩壊 ホロビ、ハカイ、ホウカイ yıkım イュゥクゥム