English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・expectation the feeling that good things are going to happen in the future 期待 キタイ bekleme ベクレメ
・because used to give a reason for something なぜなら ナゼナラ çünkü チュゥンク
・absolutely completely;without fail 確実に、間違いなく、絶対的に カクジツニ、マチガイナク、ゼッタイニ mutlaka ムトラカ
・come true If a dream or hope comes true, it really happens. 実現する ジツゲンスル gerçekleşmek ゲルチェクレシュメク
・true based on facts and not imagined ;real 真の、本当の シンノ、ホントウノ gerçek