English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・mislead to make someone believe something that is untrue by giving them information that is wrong or not complete 誤導する、欺く ゴドウスル、アザムク aldatmak アルダトマク
・deceive to make someone believe something that is not true 欺く アザムク aldatmak アルダトマク
・anybody another word for anyone:used in questions and negatives to mean 'a person or people' 誰か ダレカ kimse キムセ
・you used to refer to the person or people you are talking to あなた アナタ sen, siz 、sizi セン、シズ、シジ
・examine to consider a plan or an idea carefully 調べる シラベル araştırmak アラシュトゥルマク