English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・everybody another word for everyone: every person 全ての人 スベテノヒト herkes:herbiri ヘルケス:ヘルビリ
・authority the official power to make decisions or to control other people 権威 ケンイ yetkili、yetki イェトキリ、イェトキ
・together with each other 共に、一緒に トモニ、イッショニ birlikte ビルリクテ
・door the part of a building, room, vehicle, or piece of furniture that you open or close to get inside it or out of it 戸、扉、ドア ト、トビラ、ドア kapı カプ
・keep on doing sth to continue to do something, or to do something again and again し続ける シツヅケル devam etmek デヴァン エトメク