English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・heart the organ inside your chest that sends blood around your body; someone's deepest feelings and true character 心、心臓 ココロ、シンゾウ yürek、gönül、kalp ユゥレク、ギョゥニュゥル、カルプ
・eye one of the two organs in your face, which you use to see with göz ギョゥズ
・enlighten to give someone information about something, so that they understand a situation 啓発する ケイハツスル aydınlatmak アイデゥンラトマク
・kingdom a country with a king or queen 王国 オウコク krallık クラルルク
・king a male ruler in some countries オウ kral クラル