Learning English Japanese Turkish all together daily_20210708

English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・futile certain not to have a successful effect or result 無益な、無駄な ムエキナ、ムダナ boş(una) ボシュ(ウナ)
・reasoning the process of thinking about something in order to make a decision 考え方、推論、論理的思考 カンガエカタ、スイロン、ロンリテキシコウ düşünce デゥュシュゥュンジェ
・wise A wise decision or action shows good judgment and is the right thing to do. :A wise person is able to use their knowledge and experience to make good decisions and give good advice. 賢い カシコイ bilge ビルゲ
・storm very bad weather with a lot of rain, snow, wind, etc アラシ fırtına フゥルトゥナ
・like similar to or in the same way as someone or something ~ような ~ヨウナ gibi ギビ