English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・petition a document that has been signed by a lot of people officially asking someone in authority to do something 請願(書) セイガン(ショ) dilekçe ディレクチェ
・petition to officially ask someone in authority to do something 請願する セイガンスル dilekçe vermek ディレクチェ ヴェルメク
・notice to see something and be aware of it 気が付く、分かる キガツク、ワカル bildirmek ビルディルメク
・notice a sign giving information about something 通知(書) ツウチ(ショ) bildiri ビルディリ
・drink to put liquid into your mouth and swallow it 飲む ノム içmek イチェメク