English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・liar someone who tells lies 嘘つき ウソツキ yalancı ヤランジュ
・lie something that you say or write which you know is not true ウソ yalan ヤラン
・lie to say or write something that is not true in order to deceive someone 嘘をつく ウソヲツク yazmak、yalan söylemek ヤズマク、ヤラン ソウュイレメク
・who used to ask about someone's name or which person or group someone is talking about 誰が ダレガ kim, kimi, kimler, kimleri キム、キミ、キムレル、キムレリ
・thinking someone's ideas or opinions 考え、思い カンガエ、オモイ düşünce, düşünüş , fikir, düşünme デュシュンジェ、デュシュニュシュ、フィキル、デュシュンメ