English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・doer someone who gets actively involved in something, rather than just thinking or talking about it: 実行する人 ジッコウスル人 eden、yapan エデン、ヤパン
・do make する スル yapmak ヤプマク
・do(practice) to do something regularly according to a custom, religion, or a set of rules :to repeat something regularly in order to improve your ability 実践する、実行する ジッセンスル、ジッコウスル etmek エトメク
・than ... used to compare two different things or amounts ...より ...ヨリ ...dan/den ...ダン/デン
・more a greater number or amount of people or things :something in addition to what you already have もっと モット daha ダハ