English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・holy relating to a religion or a god 聖なる セイナル kutsal クトサル
・spirit something that people believe exists but does not have a physical body, such as a ghost 霊、目に見えない力 レイ、メニミエナイチカラ ruh ルハ
・guide to tell someone what they should do 導く ミチビク yönlendirmek ユゥンレンディルメク
・mind to be annoyed or worried by something 気に掛ける、気遣う キニカケル、キヅカウ aldırmak アルデゥルマク
・convey to communicate information, feelings, or images to someone 伝える ツタエル aktarmak アクタルマク