English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・none of you pron. 誰にも ダレニモ hiçbiriniz ヒチェビリニゼ
・burden something difficult or unpleasant that you have to deal with or worry about 負担、重荷 フタン、オモニ yük イゥューク
・so as to ~(in order to ~) with the purpose of achieving something ~するために ~スルタメニ ...mak/mek için …マク/メク イチィン
・work to do a job, especially the job you do to earn money 働く ハタラク çalışmak チャルシュマ久
・Thessalonian テサロニケ人 テサロニケジン Selaniklilere セラニクリレㇽエ