English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・appear to start to be seen 現れる アラワレル görünmek ギョリュンメク
・cover to put something over something else, in order to protect or hide it 覆う、隠す オオウ、カクス örtmek ウーラトメク
・matter a subject or situation that you need to think about, discuss, or deal with 物事、問題、事件 モノゴト、モンダイ、ジケン mesele メセレ
・confidential secret, especially in an official situation 内密の ナイミツノ güvenilir、gizli ギュヴェンニリル
・Leviticus レビ記 レビキ Levioğulları レヴィオーウルラル