English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・please to make someone happy 喜ばせる ヨロコバセル hoşnut etmek、memnun etmek ホシュヌト エトメク、メムヌン エトメク
・sacrifice something valuable that you give up in order to achieve something, or the act of giving it up ; something offered to a god in a religious ceremony, especially an animal that is killed, or the act of offering it 犠牲 ギセイ kurban クルバン
・forget to be unable to remember a fact, something that happened, or how to do something 忘れる ワスレル unutmak ウヌトマク
・share to have or use something at the same time as someone else ; to divide something between two or more people 分かち合う ワカチアウ paylaşmak パイラシュマク
・such used to refer to something or someone that you were just talking about, or something or someone of that type そのような ソノヨウナ böyle ブゥーイレ