English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・ought used to say that you expect something to be true or that you expect something to happen ~しなければならない ~シナケレバナラナイ gerekir ゲレキル
・announce to tell people about something officially or with force or confidence ~を伝える ~ヲツタエル duyurmak デゥユルマク
・be announced ~が伝えられる ~ガツタエラレル duyurulmak デュユルルマク
・nation a country or the people living in a country 国、国民 クニ、コクミン millet ミルレット
・first used to introduce the first idea, reason, etc in a series :first of all 最初に サイショニ önce ウンジェ