English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・speech a formal talk that someone gives to a group of people ハナシ konuşma コヌシュマ
・tongue the soft thing inside your mouth that you move and use for tasting and speaking シタ dil ディル
・heal If a wound or broken bone heals, it becomes healthy again, and if something heals it, it makes it healthy again. 癒す イヤス şifa bulmak シェイファ ブルマク
・true based on facts and not imagined;real 真の、真実の シンノ、シンジツノ gerçek ゲルチェク
・friend someone who you know well and like 友、友達、友人 トモ、トモダチ、ユウジン arkadaş, dost アルカダシュ、ドスト