English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・great large in amount, size, or degree 大いなる オオイナル büyük ブュイュク
・prostitute someone whose job is having sex with people 娼婦 ショウフ fahişe ファヒシェ
・judgment an official legal decision, usually made by a judge 裁き、処罰 サバキ、ショバツ hüküm ヒュクゥュム
・revelation a piece of information that is discovered although it was intended to be kept secret 啓示 ケイジ vahiy ヴァヒイェ
・show to let someone look at something:If numbers, results, facts, etc show something, they prove that it is true. 見せる ミセル göstermek ギョステルメク