English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・struggle to try very hard to do something difficult 悪戦苦闘する アクセンクトウスル mücadele etmek ムュゥジャデレ エトメク
・struggle a situation in which you try very hard to do something difficult 奮闘、苦闘 フントウ、クトウ mücadele ムュゥジャデレ
・wicked extremely bad and morally wrong 邪悪な ジャアクナ kötü クゥチゥュ
・force a group of people organized to work together for a particular purpose, for example in military service 軍隊 グンタイ kuvvet クヴェヴェト
・Ephesians エフェソス人 エフェソスジン Efesoslulara エフェソスルラルア