English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・person a human being ヒト insan インサン
・whatever anything or everything ~するのは何でも ~スルノハナンデモ ne
・sow to put seeds into the ground ~に種をまく ~ニタネヲマク ekmek エㇰメク
・it used to refer to the thing, situation, or idea that has already been talked about それを ソレヲ onu オㇴ
・reap to cut and collect a crop of grain 刈り取る カリトル biçmek ビチェメク
・wife the woman that a man is married to ツマ kadın カデゥン
・husband the man you are married to オット koca コジャ
・separate to divide into parts, or to make something divide into parts 離れる、別居する ハナレル、ベッキョスル ayrılmak アイルㇽマク
・tell to say something to someone, usually giving them information 話す ハナス söylemek シュイレメク
・always every time, or at all times いつでも イツデモ her zaman ヘル ザマン