English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・greet to welcome someone 歓迎する カンゲイスル selamlamak セラㇺラマㇰ
・evening the part of the day between the afternoon and the night バン akşam アクシャム
・and used to join two words or two parts of a sentence そして、~と・・・ ソシテ、~ㇳ・・・ ve ヴェ
・remember If you remember a fact or something from the past, you keep it in your mind, or bring it back into your mind. 覚えている オボエテイル hatırlamak ハツㇽラマㇰ
・frequently often たびたび タビタビ sık sık スク スク
・woman an adult female person 婦人 フジン kadın カデゥン
・pain sadness or mental suffering caused by an unpleasant event 痛み、苦痛 イタミ、クツウ acı アジャ
・endurance the ability to keep doing something difficult, unpleasant, or painful for a long time 忍耐 ニンタイ katlanma カトランマ
・continue to keep happening, existing, or doing something 継続[持続・存続]する ケイゾク[ジゾク、ソンゾク]する devam etmek デヴァン エトメク
・justice behaviour or treatment that is fair and morally correct 公正 コウセイ doğruluk ドーㇽルク