English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・cold a common illness that makes you sneeze and makes your nose produce liquid 風邪 カゼ nezle ネズレ
・yesterday the day before today きのう キノウ dün デュン
・picture a drawing, painting, or photograph of something or someone resim レスィㇺ
・snow soft white pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky when the weather is cold ユキ kar カㇽ
・sound something that you hear or that can be heard オト ses セㇲ
・sugar a very sweet substance used to give flavour to food and drinks 砂糖 サトウ şeker シェケㇽ
・stone a hard, natural substance that is found in the ground イシ taş タㇱュ
・moon the round object that shines in the sky at night and moves around the Earth ツキ ay アィ
・time Time is what we measure in minutes, hours, days, etc. トキ zaman ザマン
・right on or towards the side of your body that is to the east when you are facing north ミギ sağ サー