English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・warm having a temperature between cool and hot 暖かい アタタカイ ılık ウルㇰ
・student someone who is studying at a school or university 学生 ガクセイ öğrenci オェーレンジ
・village a place where people live in the countryside that includes buildings such as shops and a school but which is smaller than a town ムラ köy キョィ
・cheap not expensive, or costing less than usual 安い ヤスイ ucuz ウジュズ
・beatiful very attractive 美しい ウツクシイ güzel ギュゼㇽ
・elder sister the older of two sisters アネ abla アブラ
・poor having very little money or few possessions 貧しい マズシイ fakir ファキㇽ
・expense the money that you spend on something 費用 ヒヨウ masraf マㇲラㇷ
・anxiety the feeling of being very worried 不安 フアン kaygı カィグ
・cold having a low temperature 寒い サムイ soğuk ソウㇰ