English | English meaning | Japanese |
Japanese in Katakana |
Turkish |
Turkish Pronunciation in Katakana |
・hospital | a place where sick or injured people go to be treated by doctors and nurses | 病院 | ビョウイン | hastane | ハㇲターネ |
・doctor | a person whose job is to treat people who have an illness or injury | 医者 | イシャ | doktor | ドㇰトㇽ |
・ambulance | a vehicle that takes people to hospital when they are sick or hurt | 救急車 | キュウキュウシャ | ambulans | アㇺビュランㇲ |
・pharmacy | a shop or part of a shop that prepares and sells medicines | 薬局 | ヤッキョク | eczane | エジザーネ |
・medicine | a substance used to cure an illness or injury | 薬 | クスリ | ilaç | イラチ |
・antifebrile | a medicine that reduces fever | 解熱剤 | ゲネツザイ | ateş düşürücü | アテㇱュ デュシュリュジュ |
・antibiotic | a medicine that cures infections by destroying harmful bacteria | 抗生物質 | コウセイブッシツ | antibiyotik | アンティビヨティキ |
・painkiller | a drug that reduces pain | 鎮痛剤 | チンツウザイ | ağrı kesici | アール ケスィジ |
・blood | the red liquid that flows around your body | 血、血液 | チ、ケツエキ | kan | カン |
・blood type | one of the groups that human blood is divided into | 血液型 | ケツエキガタ | kan grubu | カン グルブ |
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