English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・need something that is necessary to have or do 必要 ヒツヨウ ihtiyaç イヒティヤチェ
・constructive helpful or useful 建設的な、前向きの ケンセツテキナ、マエムキノ yapıcı ヤプジュ
・hear to be aware of a sound through your ears ~を聞く ~ヲキク işitmek イシィトメク
・benefit something that helps you or gives you an advantage 益[ため]になる エキ[タメ]ニナル yarar ヤラル
・thus used after saying a fact to introduce what then happened as a result このようにして コノヨウニシテ böylece ビョイレジェ