English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・man used to refer to both men and women 人、人間 ヒト、ニンゲン insan(insanoğlu) インサン(インサンオール)
・god in Jewish, Christian, or Muslim belief, the spirit who created the universe and everything in it, and who rules over it;a spirit, especially a male one, that people pray to and who has control over parts of the world or nature 神、創造者 カミ、ソウゾウシャ tanrı(Allah) タンル(アラァ)
・create to make something happen or exist 創造する ソウゾウスル yaratmak ヤラトマク
・as ~ used to describe the purpose, job, or appearance of something or someone ~として ~トシテ olarak オララク
・food something that people and animals eat, or plants absorb, to keep them alive 食べ物、食物 タベモノ、ショクモツ yiyecek イエジェク