English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・every used to show that something is repeated regularly ; each one of a group of people or things 毎~、あらゆる マイ~、アラユル her ヘル
・time Time is what we measure in minutes, hours, days, etc. ; a particular point in the day or night 時間、時 ジカン、トキ zaman ザマン
・praise words you say to show that you admire someone or something 賛美 サンビ şükran シュクラン
・sacrifice something offered to a god in a religious ceremony, especially an animal that is killed, or the act of offering it 犠牲 ギセイ kurban クルバン
・offer to give or provide something 提供する、捧げる テイキョウスル、ササゲル sunmak スンマク