English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・free not in prison or in a cage 自由な ジユウナ özgür ウズギュル
・people more than one person 人、人々、民 ヒト、ヒトビト、タミ insanlar インサンラル
・man used to refer to both men and women 人、人間、人類 ヒト、ニンゲン、ジンルイ insan、insanoğlu インサン、インサンオル
・as ~ used to describe the way in which people see or think of something or someone ~ように ~ヨウニ gibi ギビ
・as used to describe the purpose, job, or appearance of something or someone ~として ~トシテ olarak オララク