English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・student someone who is studying at a school or university 学生、生徒 ガクセイ、セイト öğrenci オェーレンジ
・teacher someone whose job is to teach in a school, college, etc 先生、教師 センセイ、キョウシ öğretmen オェーレㇳメン
・doctor a person whose job is to treat people who have an illness or injury 医者、医師、内科医 イシャ、イシ、ナイカイ doktor ドゥトㇽ
・nurse someone whose job is to care for sick and injured people 看護師 カンゴシ hemşire ヘㇺシーレ
・official employee relating to the duties in a position of authority; government employee 公務員 コウムイン memur メームル
・company employee someone who is paid to work for a company 会社員 カイシャイン firma elemanı、 firma çalışanı フィㇽマ エレマヌ、フィㇽマ チャルシャヌ
・police the people who work for the organization that makes people obey the law and that protects people and places against crime 警察官 ケイサツカン polis ポリㇲ
・business person a person who works in business, especially one who has a high position in a company 実業家 ジツギョウカ iş adamı、 iş insanı イㇱュ アダム、イㇱュ インサㇴ
・secretary someone who works in an office, typing letters, answering the telephone, and arranging meetings, etc 秘書 ヒショ sekreter セキレテㇽ
・cook someone who prepares and cooks food 料理人、コック リョウリニン、コック aşçı アシュチュ