English | English meaning | Japanese |
Japanese in Katakana |
Turkish |
Turkish Pronunciation in Katakana |
・spirit | the way people think and feel about something | 霊 | レイ | ruh | ルフ |
・because | used to give a reason for something | なぜなら | ナゼナラ | çünkü | チュンキュ |
・me | used after a verb or preposition to refer to the person who is speaking or writing | 私に | ワタシニ | beni | ベニ |
・the poor | poor people considered together as a group | 貧しい人たち | マズシイヒトタチ | yoksullar | ヨクスルラル |
・anoint | to choose someone to do a particular job, usually by a person in authority;Anoint also means to choose someone or something for a particular job or purpose; designate: | 油注ぐ | アブラソソグ | meshetmek | メシェトメク |
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