English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・Jew someone whose religion is Judaism, or who is related to the ancient people of Israel ユダヤ人 ユダヤジン Yahudi ヤフディ
・advise to make a suggestion about what you think someone should do or how they should do something 助言する ジョゲンスル öğüt vermek, öğütlemek ウュユト ヴェルメク、ウュユトレメク
・die to stop living 死ぬ シヌ ölmek ウュルメク
・for the sake of for this reason or purpose ~のために ~ノタメニ uğruna ウルナ
・only not anyone or anything else ただ一人の、ただ一つの タダヒトリノ、タダヒトツノ bir tek ビル テク