English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・money the coins or banknotes (= pieces of paper with values) that are used to buy things お金 オカネ para, パラ
・cash money in the form of coins or notes (= paper money) 現金 ゲンキン nakit ナキㇳ
・change coins, not paper money 小銭 コゼニ bozuk para ボズㇰ パラ
・change the money that you get back when you pay more for something than it costs おつり オツリ para üstü パラ ウュㇲテュ
・banknote a piece of paper money 紙幣 シヘイ banknot バンㇰノㇳ
・coin a flat, usually round, piece of metal used as money 硬貨 コウカ madeni para マーデニー パラ