English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・foreign exchange the system by which the type of money used in one country is exchanged for another country's money, making international trade easier 両替 リョウガエ döviz デョヴィズ
・exchange office a place where you can exchange foreign currency, but that does not provide any other banking services 両替所 リョウガエジョ döviz bürosu デョヴィズ ビュロス
・bank an organization or place where you can borrow money, save money, etc 銀行 ギンコウ banka バンカ
・commission a payment given to someone when they sell something, which is directly related to the amount they sell 手数料 テスウリョウ komisyon コミㇲヨン
・New Turkish lira the new standard unit of money used in Turkey 新トルコリラ シントルコリラ Yeni Türk Lirası イェニ テュㇽㇰ リラス
・Jaoanese yen the standard unit of money used in Japan 日本円 ニホンエン Japon Yei ジャポン イェニ
・US dollar the standard unit of money used in the US 米ドル ベイドル Amerıkan Dolan アメリカン ドラル
the standard unit of money used in Eurozone ユーロ ユーロ Euro/Avro ユロ/アヴロ
・rate the amount of another country's money that you can buy with a particular amount of your own country's money レート レート kur クㇽ
・traveller's cheque a special piece of paper that you buy at a bank and exchange for local money when you are in another country トラベラーズチェック トラベラーズチェック seyahat çeki セヤハト チェキ