English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・gorilla a large ape that comes from western Africa ゴリラ ゴリラ goril ゴリㇽ
・hippopotamus a very large animal with short legs and thick, dark grey skin that lives near water in Africa カバ カバ su aygırı ス アイグル
・zebra an African wild animal that looks like a horse, with black or brown and white lines on its body シマウマ、ゼブラ シマウマ、ゼブラ zebra ズィーブラ
・cow a large female farm animal kept to produce meat and milk 乳牛、雌牛 ニュウギュウ、メウシ inek イネキ
・chicken a type of bird kept on a farm for its eggs or its meat, or the meat of this bird that is cooked and eaten: ニワトリ ニワトリ tavuk タブク
・parrot a tropical bird with a curved beak, often kept as a pet and trained to copy the human voice オウム オウム papağan パパーン
・bee a yellow and black flying insect that makes honey and can sting you: ハナバチ ハナバチ arı アル
・worm a small animal with a long, narrow, soft body without arms, legs, or bones 蠕虫 ゼンチュウ kurt クーㇽト
・caterpillar a small, long animal with many legs that feeds on the leaves of plants, and develops into a butterfly or moth いも虫、毛虫 イモムシ、ケムシ tırtıl ツㇽツル
・lizard a small reptile that has a long body, four short legs, a long tail, and thick skin トカゲ トカゲ kertenkele ケルタンケレ