English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・chest of drawers a piece of furniture with drawers for keeping clothes in 整理だんす セイリダンス şifonyer シフォンイェㇽ
・drawer a container like a box without a lid that is part of a piece of furniture and that slides in and out 引き出し ヒキダシ çekmece チェックメジェ
・cupboard a piece of furniture with a door on the front and shelves inside, used for storing things 食器棚 ショッキダナ dolap ドラップ
・wardrobe a large cupboard for keeping clothes in 衣装ダンス イショウダンス gardırop ガードロゥプ
・shelf a flat, horizontal board used to put things on, often fixed to a wall or inside a cupboard タナ raf ラフ
・bed a piece of furniture that you sleep on ベッド、寝台 ベッド、シンダイ yatak ヤタク
・shower If you have or take a shower, you wash your whole body while standing under a flow of water シャワー シャワー duş ドゥシュ
・sink a bowl that is fixed to the wall in a kitchen or bathroom that you wash dishes or your hands, etc in 流し台 ナガシダイ lâvabo ラヴァボウ
・washbasin a bowl in a bathroom that water can flow into, used for washing your face or hands 洗面台 センメンダイ lâvabo ラヴァボウ
・faucet an object at the end of a pipe that you turn to control the flow of water 蛇口、コック ジャグチ、コック musluk ムスルク