English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・chimney a wide pipe that allows smoke from a fire to go out through the roof 煙突 エントツ baca バジャ
・window a space in the wall of a building or vehicle that has glass in it, used for letting light and air inside and for looking through 窓、ウィンドウ マド、ウィンドウ pencere ペンジェレ
・door the part of a building, room, vehicle, or piece of furniture that you open or close to get inside it or out of it 扉、ドア、戸 トビラ、ドア、ト kapı カプ
・door handle the part of door that you use to hold it or open it ドアハンドル、ドアの取っ手 ドアハンドル、ドアノトッテ kapı kol カプ コル
・gate the part of a fence or outside wall that opens and closes like a door 門扉、ゲート、門 モンピ、ゲート、モン giriş kapısı ギリシュ カプス
・key a piece of metal cut into a particular shape and used for locking things such as doors, or for starting an engine 鍵、キー カギ、キー anahtar アナハタㇽ
・keyhole a hole in a lock where you put a key 鍵穴 カギアナ anahtar deliği アナハタㇽ デリー
・bolt a metal bar that you push across a door or window to lock it スライド錠、かんぬき スライドジョウ、カンヌキ sürgülü kilit シュグル キリトゥ
・(pad)lock the thing that is used to close a door, window, etc, and that needs a key to open it (a metal lock with a U-shaped part that is used for fastening bicycles, doors, etc) ロック、錠(南京錠) ロック、ジョウ(ナンキンジョウ) asma kilit アスマ キリトゥ
・stairs a set of steps from one level in a building to another 階段 カイダン merdiven マルディヴァン