English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・onion a round vegetable with layers that has a strong taste and smell タマネギ、玉葱、オニオン タマネギ、タマネギ、オニオン soğan ソワン
・bunch of grapes a large amount or number of a small, round, green, purple or red fruit that grows in large, close groups and is often used to make wine ブドウの房 ブドウノフサ bir salkım üzüm ビル サルクム ウズム
・potato a round vegetable with a brown, yellow, or red skin that grows in the ground ポテト、ジャガイモ ポテト、ジャガイモ patates パテテス
・honey a sweet, sticky food that is made by bees 蜂蜜 ハチミツ bal バァル
・jam a sweet food made from fruit that you spread on bread ジャム ジャム reçel レチェル
・soda water with bubbles in it that you mix with other drinks 炭酸飲料、ソフトドリンク、ソーダ タンサンインリョウ、ソフトドリンク、ソーダ gazlı içecek ガザリィチェジュゥク
・juice the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables ジュース ジュース meyve suyu メイビ スユ
・cake a sweet food made from flour, butter, sugar, and eggs mixed together and baked ケーキ ケーキ pasta パスタ
・chips a long, thin piece of potato that is cooked in oil ポテトチップ、フライドポテト ポテトチップ、フライドポテト cips ジップス
・bag a bag with handles in which a woman carries her money, keys, etc バッグ、かばん バッグ、カバン çanta チャンタ