English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・honey a sweet, sticky food that is made by bees 蜂蜜 ハチミツ bal バァル
・juice the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables ジュース ジュース meyve suyu メイビ スユ
・soda water with bubbles in it that you mix with other drinks 炭酸飲料、ソフトドリンク、ソーダ タンサンインリョウ、ソフトドリンク、ソーダ gazlı içecek ガザリィチェジュゥク
・milk a white liquid produced by women and other female animals, such as cows, for feeding their babies 牛乳、ミルク ギュウニュウ、ミルク süt スゥツゥ