Learning English Japanese Turkish all together daily_20201209

English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・I used when the person speaking or writing is the subject of the verb 私は ワタシハ ben ベン
・mild calm and gentle 温和な オンワナ yumuşak ユムシャク
・mild tempered  -  温和な気性[気質]の オンワナキショウ[キシツ]ノ yumuşak başlı ユムシャク バシュル
・humble not proud or not believing that you are important 謙遜な ケンソンナ alçakgönüllü アルジャクギュニュルリュ
・many used mainly in negative sentences and questions to mean 'a large number of' たくさんの タクサンノ çok ジョク