English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・pray to speak to a god in order to show your feelings or to ask for something 祈る イノル dua etmek デュア エトメク
・prayer the words you say to a god 祈り イノリ dua デュア
・say to speak words;to tell someone about a fact, thought, or opinion 言う イウ etmek (dua)、okumak (dua)、söylemek、demek エトメク(デュア)、オクマク(デュア)、ソウュレメク、デメク
・give to provide someone with something 与える アタエル vermek ヴェルメク
・receive to get something that someone has given or sent to you 受け取る、受ける ウケトル、ウケル almak アルマク